So, Slashdot linked to a “great piece” about how renewable energy won’t save us, because, you know, even if we build a Dyson Sphere, eventually, we’ll still expand to consume it all. And, really, worrying if a solution will work a million years from now is certainly the top priority for evaluating it, don’t you think?
I felt some summary and translation was in order. Here is Ms. Stover’s “great piece”, written to more accurately express her true sentiments and the origin of her beliefs. (Sadly, there’s no comment section on the article itself. Funny, that.)
“Beware, oh ye sinners! You who consume the flesh of beasts, you who buy trinkets of little worth, you who defile and despoil the Earth! Beware! Your times of joy and revelry will end! Suffering shall come, and pain, and torment, lest ye repent your sinful ways! Repent! There is no salvation in the sun! There is no salvation in the tides! There is no salvation in the wind! There is no salvation even in the poisonous fires of the atom itself! No, none! No salvation but the cessation of your sins!”
There we go. Much shorter, too. She should hire me as an editor.
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